Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weekly Internship Post 7

Weekly internship post for the week of 29 April to 3 Mayo.

Last week of internship :(
I came back from Peru on Monday so I skipped FEVI on Monday and Wednesday was Labor day so I ended up going on Friday.


I started off with the usual calendar and "como esta el dia de hoy" notebook drawing.
Considering this was the last week of internship for me, every moment felt like it had to be meaningful and memorable.
Obviously the children had no idea that I won't be coming back after this week so they were as they are all the time.
Yamileth, very playful and impossible to manage. Tell her one thing, she listens for a moment and then she starts running around once again.
Juanito was not here either of the days :(
Alejo was very quiet as always and Christian super energetic and playful as well.

It makes me happy everytime when the kids from the other class comes up to me in the morning pleading for me to stay in their class for the day.
On tuesday a student (Cristian) that graduated from CENVIDA came to visit. It amazed me how much he was able to communicate with the professor and how much he tried communicating with me as well. Alot of the times I feel terrible and so powerless when some of the kids try communicating something to me and I am unable to understand what they are trying to tell me. They end up getting mad or just give up and walk away. But Critian kept trying to talk to me even though I kept shrugging my shoulders and asking him to repeat. Maybe going in to the real world without other deaf friends made him like that, or maybe he was like that from the beginning. I don't know. But it really did make me happy to have a conversation where we really were trying to understand each other.

We took pictures both days and gave a print-out of the picture to Rosita with a little message on the back.

I can't believe it's May already and I'm finishing my internships with the kids.


FEVI/ Muñequitos de Lumbisí

Since Monday and Wednesday I couldn't go, I went in the morning on Friday.
Again, thinking that this was the last day really made me sad and motivated me to really make each moment valuable and memorable.
Even though these kids are only 3-5 years old, because I was really able to talk to them and spend a little more time with them, I felt like I had much of an attachment with them.
(Also -even though I shouldn't, I had my favorite little boy here)

They definitely won't remember me (or atleast there's a high chance they probably won't) and they probably don't understand why I was there or why I was leaving.
But the last day was definitely very precious.
Leiver and Andres as well as Shirley and a couple others has definitely become alot more comfortable with me. Especially Leiver. He would always come running at me when I arrived at the gate.
Andres would look back during class and wave at me and kept coming to me while he did his class assignments. He liked to come with his assignment and ask, "Asi? (like that?)" and kept asking and asking, expecting me to say "Siiii eso mijo muyyyyy biennn!!!!(yess just like that my child, very good!!)" or something on those lines, telling him what a great job hes done.

I'm not sure but I also feel that they also have more respect for me now, considering alot of them actually listen to me when I tell them to go back to class or stop hitting eachother.
It could also be that they are maturing very very fast like little kids do.
The difference between the Leonsitos and Ositos are huge.

We took pictures in the end, and obivously it was impossible getting them to line up so we took a picture while they were just sitting around, but seeing them interact with one another and laughing and getting mad at things, (I sound like a parent but) I got really excited for their futures.

Profe Jaime facebook messaged me that afternoon thanking me for spending time with them and interning with them. This experience was really such a great experience for me, being able to interact with children, realizing my interest for childhood education and really being able to realize the importance of educating children when they are young.

Both experiences were very challenging but they have definitely made me realizing many things and have helped me grow a tiny bit as a person. I think :)