Monday, February 25, 2013

First Bloggin' :)

February 25, 2013

It's been a month and 25 days since I came to Ecuador :)

The first couple of weeks definitely sucked after all that happened at the end of last semester.

I arrived with 7 of my classmates to a little hostal near the Mariscal (an area where a bunch of clubs and bars are). I am definitely grateful that I came with them a little bit before the BCA orientation to get comfortable with the new environment, but to tell the truth, it sucked to be around anyone with my psychological condition at the time.

But now that I think of it, even though it's still hard to face some of my raw emotions, I'm so glad I am here right now at this moment with my friends.

Although we are quite a crazy group, I truly love everyone in our BCA group :) From what I've heard in the past, I thought people in your study abroad program are the people that I wouldn't really get along with, but that is the completely opposite I do with the people in our group. Each and every single person is so awesome, I'm sincerely appreciative of each of their presense. And recently I have really been feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the study abroad coordinators (I'm not writing this just because I know the coordinators will possibly read this). I definitely believe choosing BCA Quito as my study abroad destination has been one of the best choices I have made in my life.

Denial from what had happened has slowly been transforming into acceptance as well. This is all thanks to the people here that have been supporting me and has been giving me the opportunity to see so much more than the small little bubble that I lived in back home.

I still haven't really gotten enough strength to really face head on to the deepest part of me to bring it back to my religious views, but I do believe that I still have made major progress and each step is still progress no matter how small.

However, now that I have actually admitted to myself that I am actually in love with the Galapagos and am considering volunteering there over summer, I really need to get my shit together to take some action in this mini problem that I had been facing regarding applying for an internship grant.

Considering this is my first blog ever and that I am starting this about two months after my arrival, I believe that I will be reflecting back on many passed events and trips as well. Many posts may be about my trips, BCA excursions, personal reflection, official internship reflection posts (required for USFQ credit), etc.

I intend this to be a personal blog (and for credit-receiving purposes), but I would be more than happy if I can expand my reflective/analytical/critical capacities by continuing and sharing with my friends and family :)

To everything that has happened so far and to everyone that I have met so far, thank you very much :)

I appreciate all experiences here and I truly hope that I can grow immensely from this trip and will do my best to utilize everything I have grasped here in my post-SA life back home or where ever I end up going.

To everything that is about to happen-- I hope to face you with open arms.

Allow me to grow! :)

Viva Ecuador/BCA!!!!

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