Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Break!

So, for spring break I started off going to Cuenca with Libbie, Bryan, Sam, and Fernando.
First time really hanging out with them (actually, first time meeting Sam and Fernando).

I enjoy the fact that I have not really been in a click here but rather been hanging out with almost everyone quite equally and getting to know the whole BCA group very well.

3/21-3/23 (Thurs-Sat)
So from Thursday-Saturday, we stayed at Cuenca at a hostel called AlterNATIVE hostel.

Cuenca was a beautiful city, filled with old men and women reading newspapers or just hanging out in the park--apparently it is one of the hot spots for retirement places for gringos.

The city itself had so many buildings that were alot more classical-looking than Quito and the people seemed alot more calm as well. And surprisingly, it was nice not getting as many cat-calls as we would have in Quito.

We had some really good freshly-brewed coffee as well as super-rico beer. Climbed up to the top of the church and over-looked the whole city as well as took a night-bus-tour of Cuenca and saw the most beautiful view of the city at night.

It was quite a short trip for a 10 hour bus ride but it was definitely worth it and it was an amazing place to get some relax-time.

Coming back from Cuenca, the other 4 were with me half way there but they got off a little early to get to Baños. I stayed on the bus to get to Quito. A little boy about 7 years old ran on to the bus and started selling Nikolo chocolates.
It was difficult looking at this boy selling chocolate buy himself, with his tiny back pack, tiny hands, tiny self, riding with us for about an hour.

I couldn't get myself to buy the chocolate though. I wasn't sure what impact I could make as a foreigner just staying in Ecuador for a semester. What is the point of foreigners like me spending money when they are going to leave soon anyways. The important thing is for the Ecuadorians to spend money, and for foreigners to spend money on Ecuadorian goods in general rather than personal goods. Also, what can I do by buying a $0.25 chocolate? What is this kid going to spend it on? What is he going to do with the money that he gets from me for begging? $0.25 won't buy education nor will it get him out of his economical situation. Me buying from each and every single child-vendor that I encounter is not going to change their life. So, what do I do?

Taking the ecovia from the Quitumbe station, another two kids ran in by themselves and started singing a song, which spoke of god and their families. This may be quite a US typical image, but it kind of reminded me of Slumdog Millionaire where the kids worked under a rich man, only to raise money for him. What was the life story of these kids? What will paying them do to their lives? Am I even capable of paying with all my school loans? Who am I to think that I can change anything with the $1 I give them? And once again, what will they spend it on? Their dinner for tonight? Or drugs?

3/25-3/28 (Mon-Thurs)
I went to an ecological reserve in between Tena and Talag, about a 5.5 hour ride from Quito.
In the middle of the amazon, this ecological reserve is owned by an English man that has been living in South America for about 30 years with his family that practices Hare Krishna. The place is filled with volunteers all over the world and when me and Jennifer arrived there the first day all we basically did was ate Cacao seeds in order to ferment the seeds for making chocolate.

We were not there long enough to fill the bin with fermenting cacao seeds, but we met some people from the US, from Colombia, from Peru, from Chile, from Germany, Canada, Norway, England, and more.

Three meals a day the volunteers made their own food and served the whole group of volunteers, with all personal vegetarian recipes. We did yoga in the morning, which was nice doing in the open air in the middle of the amazon.

We joined a Krishna celebration at the restaurant that the Saraswati owner also had in Tena. It was interesting as well as a good experience joining in a faith-based celebration for something I had never seen nor participated in before. The food was absolutely amazing, and it was great being able to hear Hindi/Bollywood songs again, after so long. I miss dancing Bollywood with my friends back at my university.

The last day there we basically worked in the forest organizing and cutting weeds around sugar cane plants. I don't think I have been bitten so much in my life by soooo many mosquitos and sand flies in my life.

I really want to go back to see the people (hopefully some of them will still be there by the time I go back) and buy that bracelet that I loved that the guy from Colombia made.

3/29-3/30 (Fri-Sat)
So my sister arrived Thursday night and Friday morning her, myself and Lily left for Baños.
We left the ecovia station and got to Quitumbe, took the 9:40am bus and did not arrive there until around 3:30pm due to the traffic because of Semana Santa week.
My friend Andres, a kayak guide there had helped us reserve a place for that day but also helped us change the date to Saturday because we weren't able to get there on time.
The people here are really super nice and willing to help out its crazy.

Once we got there we basically just walked around, bought some souveniers and I went out with Andres and his friends while my sister and Lily stayed because they were really tired.

Saturday morning we went rafting and had the most amazing time. It had been raining so the water was much higher. That was my second time rafting at Baños but I love it so much I could even go back for a third and fourth time.

We got back and were planning to go puenting but were unable to, so my sister went to go try some cuy which had been on her list of thing to do while here. She seemed to like it which was good since I really didn't like it because of the image stuck in my head and my friends forcing me to eat it back when I went to Cuenca.

We didn't do much in Baños but we had a nice time enjoying the small town and the small stores that they had. I'm also glad to have made friends with a local the last time I went because he had really helped me out in planning that trip.

3/31-4/1 (Sun-Mon)
Sunday morning, me my sister and Lily left for Mindo. A super cheap & short trip $2 for about 2 hours, to another small town kind of like Baños. I honestly liked Baños better but it was great going to the butterfly museum and going to the chocolate tour at the Quetzal chocolate factory right next to our cute little hostal.

We didn't do much here either, because my sister and I were unable to withdraw money out of the ATM for some reason.

But we had met a girl from LA, which was great considering I hadn't met anyone from the same area as me.

The thing I really love about traveling is meeting people from all over the world. Not just the fact that they are from all over, but listening to their stories have really made me enjoy going places and talking to people.

4/2 (Tues)
So today's my last day of spring break so I took my sister for a bus tour around Quito.
The Quinde bus started in front of Quicentro next to Parque La Carolina, drove past the Botanical Gardens, Basilica, Centro del Arte Contemporaneo, Plaza Grande/Centro Historico, Panecillo, and finally to Teleferico.

It was quite expensive but it was nice having a bus tour with explanations. I was hoping that we would be able to see some llamas at Teleferico but it was really foggy and we got some nice hikes but weren't able to see anything.

Later at night I took her to La Ronda but I was surprised to see that there were not many people there because the first time we went for the BCA trip the place was filled with people.

Thinking back on that actually just made me sad because the first time we went there was when we were still at Hostal la Carolina, even before we spread to our host families.

I can't believe it has already been 4 months since then.
I honestly love this group so much, it is going to be a serious struggle parting with everyone.

A study abroad experience is not made perfect only because of all the different places you visit, but because of the people you share those experiences with.

Going back to the places we went to as a BCA group (including every single person) will not be/and has not been the same going back alone or with a smaller group.

There's about a month and a half left of this semester with the greatest people. I'm super glad I chose BCA-Quito, and I hope I can take advantage of the time left in the semester to really connect with every single person and enjoy each moment I have here.

Honestly, I don't wanna go back because I love everyone. I would stay here for ever but it would also not be the same without anyone.

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